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CDx Market Access

Companion Diagnostics White Paper

The path to success in precision medicine: market access for CDx

We unveil strategies to navigate CDx development, achieve market access, and unlock precision medicine's potential.
Laboratory assistant taking drop of blood to detect antibodies and infections

Discover the patterns that emerge from real-world CDx development and post-approval projects.

 Struggling to achieve the widespread adoption of your precision medicine therapy? The missing piece might be the commercialization of your companion diagnostic (CDx). 

Historical underinvestment in CDx commercialization and inadequate reimbursement policies hinder clinical uptake and limit biomarker-guided treatments. Our 2-fold solution emphasizes integrating CDx development and commercialization from the start and selecting partners based on proven commercialization abilities.

Discover practical challenges in physician awareness, ordering processes, sample logistics, turnaround time, and reimbursement. Leverage Quest's network, technologies, and operations for a competitive advantage.

Download our white paper, The path to success in precision medicine: market access for CDx, and accelerate your precision medicine journey. Drive CDx commercialization and pave the way for breakthroughs. Take the first step today!

Don't miss out on the future of precision medicine advancements 


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