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How to better integrate data sources to improve health outcomes

How to better integrate data sources to improve health outcomes

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Listen to one of our Health Analytics experts discuss Member Insights with the executive director of a leading Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan.

Data is critical for providers to improve patient outcomes and perform successfully in value-based payment models. And yet, it still remains a challenge to get access to the right data, at the right time and in an ideal format because it's not well integrated into healthcare operations. 

Moreover, the emergence of interoperability, new technologies and a greater focus on social determinants of health presents opportunities for new data sources to be leveraged in the industry. 

In this episode of Healthcare Insider, we spoke with David Freeman, general manager of healthcare analytics solutions at Quest Diagnostics, and Hayes Abrams, executive director of provider analytics, reporting and connectivity at BlueCross and BlueShield of Illinois, about the role of data in healthcare, how to better integrate it across an enterprise and the latest shifts that can disrupt the current data landscape. 

Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2021