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Leading enterprise content strategy with health information management

White Paper

Duration: 2 min. read


Content and Document Management, HIT - Healthcare Information Technology & HIM - Healthcare Information Management, Record Integration (e.g. EMR, EHR, ERP, EPIC)

Leading enterprise content strategy with health information management

The process of selecting and implementing a document management and imaging (DMI) platform can be daunting. Some healthcare organizations may find it difficult to discern who should be involved and who is best suited to lead the process. Our Leading enterprise content strategy with HIM white paper will help you better understand the value that various stakeholders within your organization can bring to this process. Additionally, it will provide insight into the potentially untapped value that health information management (HIM) leaders can contribute to the decision-making and implementation of a DMI system. Furthermore, you can gain a greater understanding of the differences between HIM and health information technology, and how their roles and responsibilities best fit into the adoption of enterprise content management.

Leading enterprise content strategy with HIM

Read our executive guide for acquiring a document management and imaging platform. Fill out the form below to immediately access our white paper, Leading enterprise content strategy with HIM.


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Page Published: April 28, 2023
Page Updated: 26-Sep-2022

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