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Increasing the Diagnostic Yield of Panel-Based Testing: A Retrospective Review of Mitochondrial Genome Analysis in Over 6,600 Patients

CAGC 2021: Canadian Association of Genetic Counsellors
Virtual Meeting, Sep 29-Oct 2, 2021

Increasing the Diagnostic Yield of Panel-Based Testing: A Retrospective Review of Mitochondrial Genome Analysis in Over 6,600 Patients

Authors: Faulkner K, Schleit J, Valori M, Kytölä V, Siivonen P, Salmenperä P, Gentile M,  Sistonen J, Tallila J, Liaquat K, Koskenvuo J, Alastalo T-P,  Isokallio M

Specialties: genetics

Disclaimer: One or more of the authors of this publication were employed at the time by Blueprint Genetics, a subsidiary of Quest Diagnostics.