Sociedade Portuguesa de Genetica Humana
26th Annual Meeting

SPGH  2022

Coimbra, Portugal, November 17 - 19, 2022

Poster presentation: Molecular diagnosis of cystic kidney disease with NGS panels covering difficult-to-sequence regions.

Authors: Gall K, Bernal M, Albero D, Hathaway J, Scocchia A, Huusko J, Saarinen I, Rantanen M, Schleit J, Kangas-Kontio T, Pietila T, Salmenpera P, Gentile M, Paananen J, Myllykangas S, Koskenvuo J

Specialties: Cardiology, Endocrinology, Genetics

Disclaimer:  One or more of the authors of this publication were employed at the time by Blueprint Genetics, a subsidiary of Quest Diagnostics.