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Multiplex Detection and Quantification of Neurological Disease-Associated Repeat Expansions Using the PacBio Sequel II Platform

ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting, 2024

American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics

Toronto, Canada, March 12-16, 2024

Poster presentation: Multiplex Detection and Quantification of Neurological Disease-Associated Repeat Expansions Using the PacBio Sequel II Platform

Authors: Fuligni F, Thaenert R, Hennigan A, Evans J, Hietpas D, White H, Smith , T, Looney, S. Kingan, D. Kilburn, S. Mazza, E. Dolzhenko, G. Brandine DS, Schemmel M, Veeraraghavan R, Hambuch-Hawks T, Elzinga C and Russell M

Specialty: Genetics, Neurology