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Optimal Hepatitis C Treatment Adherence Patterns and Sustained Virologic Response. among People Who Inject Drugs: The HERO Study

Optimal Hepatitis C Treatment Adherence Patterns and Sustained Virologic Response. among People Who Inject Drugs: The HERO Study

Authors: Heo M, Norton BL, Pericot-Valverde I, Mehta SH, Tsui JI, Taylor LE, Lum PJ, Feinberg J, Kim AY, Arnsten J, Sprecht-Walsh S, Page K, Litwin AH; HERO Study Group; National Stakeholder Advisory Board

Citation: J Hepatol. 2024 Jan 17:S0168-8278(23)05374-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2023.12.020. Online ahead of print.

Specialties: Infectious disease, Prescription drug monitoring, Toxicology