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Comprehensive Outcomes for After Cancer Health (COACH): Supporting Older Adults After Cancer Therapy

SIOG 2023

Informational Society of Geriatricc Oncology

Valencia, Spain, Nov 9-11, 2023

Poster presentation: Comprehensive Outcomes for After Cancer Health (COACH): Supporting Older Adults After Cancer Therapy

Authors: Krok-Schoen J, Flora L, Saligan L, Brassil K, Lally R, Mariah Jackson M, Schmidt R, Tlusty G, Hammer6 M, Tavormina6 A, Vazquez M, Wright6 A, Halpenny B, Lynch Kelly D, Starkweather A, BarrA, Loftis J, Smith G, Arthur E

Specialty: Oncology

Disclaimer: One or more of the authors of this abstract were employed at the time by Pack Health, a subsidiary of Quest Diagnostics.